
An investigaton into the origin, development, and meaning of fascism.

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Spice of Life

Variety is essential to life. The free market propaganda to impose Totalitaria.

Not only is variety the spice of life, variety is essential to life. Yet when we were suddenly confronted with a global economic disaster during the Asian Crisis, most Americans passively stood by as our business and political elite scurried about the globe and prescribed the cause of the disaster as its remedy, insisting that our monolithic political economy, a plutocratic synthesis of business and government, should be the global political economic order.

Yes, the antidote prescribed was the poison itself; what we need, they said, is more of the same business as usual. The advocates of the new world order preach unrestrained private capitalism, as if General Electric were a mom and pop store. The power elite insists that "free" exchange is the Yellow Brick Road to total utopia, and they cynically identify their desire to dominate the world with "democracy". They publicly worship the idol of competition because they want to open up foreign markets and dominate them so they can unload their surplus instead of sharing it with the people they have exploited for that surplus; its just distribution by virtue of fair exchange would greatly diminish the profits of the vested interests, who are in the business of getting something for nothing, and the obscene salaries drawn by the managerial class would have to be eliminated. The democratic freedom of their free market, free trade, and free exchange is the freedom to corner most of the freedom and democracy for themselves.

Of course the Asian Crisis has receded into the past and is for most people a mere blip on the screen if they can remember it at all. What is so typical about it is that the cause of the disaster was recommended as its cure. Of course "reforms" are usually proposed and passed to reduce the probability that the same thing will happen again. Notwithstanding the ancient doctrine of eternal recurrence, history does not repeat itself precisely, so it invariably appears that one reform or another really worked. Another kind of crisis invariably occurs in short order. It seems to differ from all the others - each crisis seems to be one-of-a-kind. Hence new sorts of tweaks, adjustments, and upgrades are recommended to maintain the machine. The machine is said to be guided by an invisible hand, but in fact the engineers have carefully laid out plans to keep the expanding servile class alienated from the means of production while grinding their wages down to the minimum; to that end millions of people must be kept desperately unemployed and convinced they are somehow at fault, lest they revolt and turn to crime.

Very few hard working couples take time off from their two or more jobs and householding duties in order to protest against the systematic reduction of the population to automatons. Part of our training in the American Way of Gilded Individualism is to compete with other individuals in hopes we will get filthy rich so we can engage in conspicuous consumption of objects. Cultural depth does not count until one has enough money to buy the leisure required to acquire it. The objective competition to get one up or over on other individuals naturally leaves every one feeling very empty and undignified when not dutifully consuming fast food and entertainment in the few spare hours left over from work. Competitive as we are, it is highly unlikely we will be moved to unite to effect radical reform of the system, or follow in the footsteps of our treasonous forefathers, revolt and set up a new government. We may commiserate for an hour or two about the faults of the system and bemoan our spiritual impoverishment; but please do not ask to put our wooden shoes in the machine works, for that would be self-destructive, in terms of the self we know so well - a cog in the machine.

We are domesticated to the idea that making money is the meaning of life. We affirm on a daily basis by almost every deed that our economic religion is the one and only true religion for the entire world. Yes, a few heretics question the dogma of the zealous free market missionaries, but their ranting is smothered by the popular public bonfires of the internationally organized media, with an occasional reference to hysterical, anti-inevitability blasphemy. When something goes wrong when our free trade and democracy is imposed on folks, then only more of the same business as usual will do - the alternatives are anathema, the evils of red devils.

"After all, is not the Eternal Truth revealed in the Holy Book faithfully kept by our Glorified Bookkeepers?" asks the High Priest. "Do not the Credits exceed the Debits, the Good the Evil, the Pleasure the Pain? After all the Sacrifices, does not the Black Ink exceed the Red that has been shed?"

Never mind that the calculations leave us feeling cold and dead. Never mind that we have too little time for Love, and that we feel like strangers in our own land. No, we must lord it over the earth and convert the heathen to Our Image, for that is the Mission of This Great Nation of Ours Under The One and Only God of the Demeaning Religion. As proof of our faith, we shall baptize all of them in a flood of Digital Tokens and teach them the Generally Accepted Principles of the Sacred Bookkeeping System. Never mind, again, that what the Lord gives He can take away at will, crushing the inhabitants flat as matzo that they may get to know Him better.

But let us not be too cynical and pessimistic, for suitable economic mythologies corresponding if not precedent to advancing "scientific" technique are an indispensable aspect of civilizations. For instance, a technique of primitive household management requires at least some belief in the virtue of submission to the household god and relevant myths for the household discipline to be effective. The lord of the estate owes more reverence to the god than his retainers, for he has more at stake. A few retainers, wanting their liberty, might take it and flee the well-ordered household, choosing bare subsistence and the terrors and opportunities of the wild over the security of the prevailing order, thus restricting the extent of the settle order. It is this glimmering of individual liberty and the occasional association of such deviants combined into voluntary and sometimes violent opposition or revolution that tends to soften the behavior of the authority in its efforts to keep retainers necessary for the expansion, upkeep and defense of the estate; that is, the estate's fortune will grow greater in accordance with the managed spread of personal liberty, the spiritual power that creates all wealth.

The spread of liberty has been a gradual process even with rapid technological advances. It is important to keep in mind that, in the context of the international evangelism, the modern economic rituals and symbols as well as the infrastructure corresponding to the raising of the material standard of living of the average individual in America to a level envied in developing nations have taken many years to fabricate and construct. Furthermore, we should know that our material success is not due to the relatively recent reformation of economic theology, but is the result of thousands of years invested in the cultivation of personal liberty by means of love and war.

Yet our current authorities would suddenly impose on the whole world what has taken centuries to cultivate. The stage of development of its fractions, its social cultures and political organizations, are virtually ignored. The neoconservative ruling elite considers other, more traditional cultures and economies inferior to their own. Having no heartfelt respect whatsoever for the identity, integrity and character of other peoples and their native ideals, our most powerful adherents to monetary dogma, believing that money is the Holy Spirit of mankind, approach them with electronic trinkets and mirrors and hotdogs; no sooner has a bite been taken, they pull out their laptops and proclaim: "There is only One Way to Total Utopia. Submit to Free Market. Be saved!"

Well, for many of us domestics, that idol might be good enough for the time being, although we are familiar enough with the defects we hope someday to cure: indeed, some of us still suspect in it an inherently fatal, selfish flaw; and even the more so as teenage maidens of the formerly great "evil empire", now converted to our doctrine in its neofascist form, sell themselves into slavery to organized gangsters. Remember: it took ages to fashion our adored idol, and other peoples have their very own idols, most of which are much older than ours. Those peoples are accustomed to karmic millennia, and not the instant cures of our miraculous faith healers offering snake oil with professionally manicured hands.

Only by following troops on devastated grounds have we worked a few dramatic imitations of our economic miracles. The peace and prosperity achieved in reconstruction was an aftermath of conflicts based on broadly accepted moral grounds, a spiritual fight among highly "civilized" cultures for freedom in order against the evils of Totalitaria. And now we would impose our own, seemingly kinder version of Totalitaria on cultures that despise us for the imposition. There will be as much if not more collateral damage, but it will be done in a civilized manner. Tragically, the destructive factor of our touted "creative destruction" has yet to achieve its end. Neoliberals led by neoconservative fascists are wreaking havoc on alternative cultures and economies. Oh, but it will work in the long run, or so they say; and they say even more of the same business as usual is needed to finish the job; and may the god of the new world order forbid social welfare programs, for the costly collective-unconscious commitment to human welfare is a savage superstition that must be painfully adjusted to the dictates of their Long-Term Advantage.

We should reconsider the economic exploitation of foreign nations in the holy names of Free Market and Democracy. The business mate of the political-economic alliance seems to form the worst sort of relationships on foreign soil; relationships that have too often resulted in domestic embarrassments and shame, if not more violent repercussions. The ruling elite of Big Business has in effect profited by the conversion of the middle class to the underclass and the subjugation, terror and death of poor people, many of whom are, ironically, capable of starting a successful enterprise with a direct loan of $100 and the political liberties taken for granted where those dollars are minted.

Surely it is high time for dogmatic economic pretexts to be abandoned and naked motives examined in the light of day. Could it be that all this talk about democratic Salvation is a neurotic defense of the relentless drive to expand Corporate's markets at great human cost so consumers can consume more and more and more, as if they were gusanos? More of what? The United States is still relatively well off. A few get luxuries and the rest have more or less garbage, trash, and junk. Is there not some better occupation? Must Quantity be our god and Quality sacrificed when we have fouled our bed and are choking in the waste of abundance?

As a people we should be deeply embarrassed by much of the global economic activity of our business and political ministers and shamed by our silence while their false, obsolete excuses ring in our ears. We know for a fact that the prevailing economic myths are obsolete and have been led to suffering, starvation and the eventual mutual murder of millions in world world war. Every reasonably well education person knows that the successes of our collective enterprises are due to the moral and political regulation of economic activity. Yet, we have time and time again stood by and even applauded and personally invested in corporations and traders running rampant and unrestrained beyond our borders, leaving peoples and economies in ruins, trampling the poor, basing their privileged freedom on the sweat of low-wage slaves or the simple jockeying of relative monetary positions made particularly profitable by the havoc and turmoil fast bucks thrive on. That sort of freedom is directly proportional to the positive degree of wealth - it is not fair trade, and social injustice has been its fruit. Unless such activities are restrained and harnessed to good ends, no miracle will save us from bad works, at least not until we are crushed and crawling on our knees in ashes and renting our sackcloth. Even those dire circumstances, in retribution for our past advice, someone having a good day will tell us in our bad day that we will have to suffer painful adjustments for awhile, because, by decree of the god of Long-Term Advantage, we will be finally released from the grips of karma.

A good prophecy of doom is one that does not come true because people listen to it and take appropriate actions as free people. It becomes more apparent every day that we may be standing on the verge of an economic disaster that shall make the Great Depression look like an extended picnic. While the brainwashed masses in their habitual momentum maintain blind faith in the fantastic ambiguous myths that cradle the causes of such catastrophes, the social gyroscope shall eventually wobble out of control as each effort to maintain its equilibrium becomes more desperate. Even then, alarmed by the growing probability of personal misfortune, the preachers of political economy shall hold fast to those doctrines that would force every exception into the rule. They shall adjure the flocks in telecast sermons to keep the faith that abstracts economic behavior from the whole man and places it on an altar to be worshipped as the embodiment of "scientific" law. The principle of this law is that the evolution of intelligently organized greed will inevitably save the world, providing that it is organized into a single system. Their enthusiasm causes them to forget that all organizations, no matter how large they are, are subject to even the most improbable accidents and final dissolution - if there is only one organization, the whole lot is at once damned.

Hardly anyone today doubts the merits of resisting Totalitaria as represented by such personal idols as Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. Yet few are given to resist the monomaniacal pseudo-conservative ("neoconservative") thinking that is leading the United States of America to become an empire even more evil than the empire neofascist leaders loved to hate. The subordination of minds to a particular political-economic concept is the beginning of the end of freedom, for freedom is about the moral evaluations that create personal identity. The small child expresses the natural struggle for variety when he or she states the first, momentous declaration of independence in the little word "no". Too many of us have been rendered indifferent to freedom by propaganda that fashions every mind in its image.

Eventually repressed passion is bound to rebel, dragging the mind with it. For a single organization is the absolute negation of all organizations - multiple organizations can only achieve perfect identity in death. When our prefabricated whale submerges it shall sink for want of inspiration; we shall find within no bulging bourgeois belly to carry us to the far shore. We must resist unto death the watery grave. We must bring about a restoration of independent thinking to keep us afloat. each individual must strive to obtain a degree in liberty. For variety is not only the spice of life, it is essential to life.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Vituperative Recriminations

Shortly after I impetuously submitted my anti-neoconservative polemic to radical publishers and reflected on what I had written, I was somewhat taken back aback by my vituperation disrespecting the president of the United States of America and the neoconservative forces of darkness he represents. Surely this aversion I feel for him and what he stands for, I mused, is hypocrisy at the very least, in fact the very thing I denounce him for.

The more I know about political religion, the more I despise the neoconservative neofascists. I confess that I have lately gone so far as to satanize the president and his staff, drawing horns on their heads and swastikas on their foreheads. In fact I think my behavior proves the validity of a dogma set forth by Carl Schmitt, one of German's foremost neoconservative pioneers, that politics is to discover who your enemies are so you can hate them and get rid of them.

But hate is anti-Christian; that is, if Christianity is a religion of love and toleration. I do not know for certain because I am not a confessed Christian - I was brought up in the Judeo-Christian culture, and could not help being influenced by it. Christian love is not supposed to be the hate-others-based group-love of the Hebrew tribes. Some Jewish rabbis are still wont to declare that it is a sacred duty to hate thine enemies - but do not rejoice at the moment they fall.

Perhaps Marcion was right in his attempt to take the Jew out of Jesus in order to make Christianity a religion in its own right. When he compiled the first Christian testament, he discarded all texts as spurious except Paul's letters, and Luke's gospel excised of its Jewish content. Ironically, Marcion's hero Paul was a Jew and a Pharisee to begin with. Saul of Tarsus, we are told, saw the Phantasm of the Loving Alien on the road and was duly converted. He eventually wrote the Christian Magna Carta of freedom and toleration to the Galatians, thereby replacing complex discriminatory Law with simple Love. However, Paul's loving letter is flawed by a hateful vituperation against all those who might disagree.

No doubt the Phantasm of The Loving Alien arose from the guilt Saul of Tarsus felt for persecuting dissident Jews; or rather it evolved from the seed of love we find in every human being, a seed cultivated by the Jews and especially the Pharisees - the hateful defamation of Pharisees by Christians is really a shame, for there would be no Christianity without them. The converting love was a fanatic love: the convert would clear the air of smoke, rendering it limpid that all may inhale its purity and be inspired forevermore not to smoke and so on.

When love alone did not work as well as expected, except for those sexual libertines who believed to own mates was a sin, the cruel old law was reverted to; and then it was rationalized that Jesus Christ came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it. Wherefore today we have a ruling neoconservative cult of frustrated Jews who call themselves born-again fundamentalist Christians. They worship the prehistoric ambivalent god, the arbitrary god who is randomly cruel and merciful. They worry constantly over the deployment of genitalia and weapons. They declare themselves absolutely in favor of life and the death penalty - they lovingly forgive the condemned man before killing him, thus relieving themselves of anxiety over their hypocrisy - a suitable ritual can justify anything. Their political religion always finds an enemy and they are willing to kill enemies in the name of state and god. Their leader can do no wrong: he declared his political hero to be Jesus Christ, implying that his savior is a lying politician beholden to Caesar.

If the frustrated Jews were really Old Testament Jews, they would not hail their Caesar in the Senate - they would revolt and assassinate him forthwith. For to give Caesar his due is one thing; but to love and obey Caesar, to turn one's cheek and forgive Caesar, to treat him as if he were god on earth, would not only be mistaken and immoral but would be blasphemous as well. The Christianity that forgives all, even after confession, repentance and restitution, is inherently evil to the either/or man. Although one might parole the penitent, the evil must never be forgiven. Evil must not be ignored, for he who ignores evil is good for nothing. A line between the forces of good and evil must be drawn; thus spake the real Zarathustra, and morals improved in Persia until the Manicheans and Zurvanites blurred the distinction and restored the perverse god of hypocritical monotheism. To hate evil and to love good are the right things to do. To overthrow Caesar is right. May the Judeo-Christians revolt. But no, they embrace their emperor in unholy wedlock of church and state, as if he were Byzantine and Orthodox.

What possesses me, a mass man, a social creature, to hate President Bush and his ministers? Can I blame my passion on a god? Men are good and evil. Wherefore the ambiguous religion of hate-based love or love-based hate was projected onto an ambivalent, incredibly cruel and merciful one-god. And the one-god is short on mercy wherever the fundamentalists are concerned. Marcion's mission to replace Law with Love, and to rid Christianity of its Jewishness failed. His church at one time was greater than the 'catholic' church. The catholic elite did not have just cause to persecute the first great heretic for professing the Phantasm - The Stranger and his Alien Love.

Marcion bought a church franchise in Rome; they took it back from him, so he went out on his own and the flock grew and grew. Inquisitors were sent out with a warning: be careful when you enter their churces, for it is very difficult to tell from their conduct the difference between them and us. The catholics had no sound reason to suppress the marcionite church for the sake of catholicism, for the genuine source of universalism resides in every human being. Love and hate flow from that source. Alas, the individual, who is inherently rebellious by virtue of natural love of absolute liberty and the will to persist forever without impedance, is not the omnipotent being he would be. He is set apart from others by his individuality; the society of others may for the Good of their society restrain his love of anarchic or godly liberty, and, by means of public law arising from tried and proven folkways, define what is prohibited.

But when the suppression of anarchic liberty is unjust and overbearing, the love of liberty may be organized by hatred to revolt. I feel that happening to me when I see a photograph of the president and his ministers, or read another absurd speech about forcing democracy down the throats of the world, or hear more about their tyranny and its effect on the poor. When love does not work, we tend to hatred. When we try and try again to get our fair share but cannot join the pack who would hoard the social good for themselves; when the old adage "If you can't fight them, join them" is rendered inapt by prolonged rejection; a new adage arises: "If you cannot join them, fight them unto the death."

What can one do when he humbly seeks gainful employment everywhere, but despite his talents and skills, or even because of them, he is kicked like a dog onto the street to die a premature death? That is social murder.

Now that I reflect on my vituperations against the forces of darkness intimidating the world, I am beginning to understand that I too am only human. This is a matter of life or death to me. When my open palm is greeted with a closed fists; when I am called un-American for speaking out against the Second Bush War against Iraq; when I am called a traitor because I impugn the policies of the liars, thieves, and murderers who preside over the business now governing politics; when I am treated like a panhandler because I seek employment; I tend to vituperation.

Perhaps I am take my frustration out on an abstract scapegoat, but I don't think so. One thing I have had that had been dependable: taste. The present government of the United States of America has a foul taste, and I believe it must be overthrown to save the state. Although I am generally happy-go-lucky, I despise the lying neofascistic neoconservative cult leading the pseudo-liberal anti-democratic forces against the people of the world. More specifically, I detest President Bush and his ministers. I sincerely believe they should be in prison, and not at the head of government. I sincerely believe something must be done to curb the forces of darkness emanating from corporate board tribalism, or else the world shall soon be lost for good.

Now I know why a man who has been a pacifist his whole life might wind up wanting revolution in the end. His pacifism was probably compensation for his tendency to violence. Since hate and love are Siamese twins, we might want to look at the other side of a man's hatred instead of simply saying it is wrong to hate. We might go to the cause of his hatred, to the ideals he loves, the ideals he knows have been betrayed by the traitors he despises. Perhaps then a lamp might be lit to organize the forces of love and light to overcome the forces of hate and darkness.

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